Glossary: HRSC
- Center Lat
- The CENTER_LATITUDE element provides the reference latitude for the observation. This is the latitude that corresponds with the central point of the observation.
- Center Lon
- The CENTER_LONGITUDE element provides the reference longitude for the observation. This is the longitude that corresponds with the central point of the observation.
- Data Set ID
- The DATA_SET_ID element is a unique alphanumeric identifier for a data set or a data product. The DATA_SET_ID value for a given data set or product is constructed according to flight project naming conventions. In most cases the DATA_SET_ID is an abbreviation of the DATA_SET_NAME.
- File Name
- The FILE_NAME element provides the location independent name of a file. It excludes node or volume location, directory path names, and version specification.
- Image ID
- The PRODUCT_ID data element represents a permanent, unique identifier assigned to a data product by its producer.
- Orbit
- Number of the orbit around the target body.
- Release
- The RELEASE_ID indicates the release number of the data described by the entries in the geometry index table.
- Revision
- The REVISION_ID indicates the revision number for the release indicated in the RELEASE_ID.
- Target Name
- Name of the observed Target.